Tuesday, August 25, 2020

MP3s Benefit both Consumers and Record Companies Essay -- Argumentati

You read the most up to date meeting of your preferred band chatting with Rolling Stone. In that talk with, they are asked whom they are tuning in to nowadays. The appropriate response isn't what you anticipated. The remainder of the meeting is about this new band they are raving about. Who is this new band, and for what reason do they appear to be so incredible? You rapidly sign onto your PC and begin downloading a melody from this baffling band. The download finishes, and the melody is magnificent! Presently you know why this gathering is regarded musically by the ones you regard in the business. All gratitude to the fantastic MP3! MP3 is a little packed arrangement that permits music to be downloaded rapidly with almost no penance in the sound quality. Moving Picture Experts Group, Audio Layer III is a big motivator for MP3. This occurred in the 1980's the point at which a German Institute needed to code music an alternate way. They did as such and got a patent for the MP3. Around 20 years after the fact, there were numerous applications making MP3's an ordinary thing. Individuals around the globe were downloading copyrighted music for nothing (Jones). In 1999, there were 60,000 MP3 sites and 6,000,000 individuals downloading a day (Knab). Nobody was concerned, however then Napster showed up (Jones). Napster will likely consistently be recognized as the MP3 programming that permitted pretty much any tune to be downloaded whenever by any individual who had a web association. The music business was effective in changing Napster from a free source to a charging membership. Others like Napster still exist since they have discovered methods of getting around the entirety of the issues, however they are as of now being sought after by the music business as far as closing down. Record marks are disturbed due to the control they are losing. A... ...ranti, Marc and Guth Rob. Downloadable-Music Wars Intensify. CNN.com 25 Mar. 1999. 5 Dec. 2002. . Jones, Christopher. MP3 Overview. Hotwired. 27 Jul. 2000. 12 Dec. 2002. . Knab, Christopher. MP3. Fourfront Media and Music. 1999. 7 Dec. 2002. . Lazarus, David. Downloadable Music Ready to Rock. Wired News. 11 Sep. 1997. 7 Dec. 2002. . Petreley, Nick. Supposition: How record organizations could grasp Napster and look after benefits. CNN.com. 20 Mar. 2000. 19 Dec. 2002. . The Future of Downloadable Music. Indian-Music.com. 5 Dec. 2002. . Â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Essay About Drawing On What You Have Learned About City Road Example For Students

Exposition About Drawing On What You Have Learned About City Road The reason for this task is to look into the social request of City Road with a nearby street to show how request is made and is persistently fixed after some time. Refusal Street, has changed impressively in the course of recent years, from a calm road of independently possessed shops, for example, Halyard Jeweler, Benefit footwear, and just a single a major accommodation store, Today, you will discover less exclusively claimed and a lot increasingly large name high road shops, for example, Primary and Tests Express. Right off the bat, I will analyze Abnegation Street, and how it has changed to City Road. Refusal Street used to be the primary avenue to the town place, with a cable car running down the focal point of the road making evincible request, these days the road remains undetectably requested yet is utilized contrastingly as it is currently discourteously people on foot. It is both a daytime shopping zone and an evening social space. In the interim City Road has transformed from a straightforward nation street to a bustling town through street, anyway likenesses despite everything exist with Abnegation Street as both are currently shopping and social spaces, as City Roads cross vehicle showrooms, have been supplanted by shops, bistros, takeaways and cafés intended for a wide scope of individuals. With the adjustments being used, have come the progressions in obvious request, Abnegation Streets use changes for the duration of the day, in a fundamentally the same as approach to City Road. Shopping is the daytime occupation, with individuals eating and savoring the bistros, obvious request is shown by adherence to the social orders administers as individuals line in systematic style to buy merchandise. Disturbance of social request infrequently happens when for instance, shoplifting happens, anyway this is hindered by CATV maintaining undetectable control and is fixed by the nearness of security monitors forestalling further occurrences. Social request is available around evening time in Abnegation Street just as in City Road, around evening time the shops close, as the takeaways, bars and clubs open. Youngsters at that point use Abnegation Street for diversion instead of for shopping. In spite of the fact that, Abnegation Street acquires various sorts of individuals during the various occasions of day, various shops and settings are focused on specific gatherings of individuals, The more youthful age utilize cheap food takeaways or go to socialite at the bars around evening time, while in the Depose Aromas Surer, from Taste bud cafeâ © discusses how for the most part older clients routinely return to his cafeâ © during the day, since they have a sense of safety in there this could be to do with the kinds of individuals utilizing the lanes during a day the old or younger students (Making Social Lives on City Road DVD, 2009, scene 3). Most imperceptible social request around evening time in Abnegation Street is kept up by the utilization of CATV, Whilst noticeable evening time request is kept up by the nearness Of club bouncers, the police and neighborhood network bolster officials. Youngsters may see the nearness Of the police and network bolster laborers as an obstruction to them having a ton of fun, while the retailers depend on the police to keep up social request and shield their property from smashed or unplanned awful conduct. Social request is additionally influenced by the inundation of large business; this is shown in the DVD, which shows how the appearance of Tests Express to City Road brings about the conclusion of littler organizations. There are disparities between nearby shops and the enormous named general stores on the two roads. On Abnegation Street there are two exceptionally predominant stores, Tests Express again just as Marks and Spencer, Both of these shops have a huge assortment of items on offer at serious costs; these stores likewise have a more extensive scope of products for the accommodation of the clients, .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f , .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f .postImageUrl , .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f , .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f:hover , .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f:visited , .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f:active { border:0!important; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f:active , .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf9343b ec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf9343bec55cbd05ea97c66b93f37048f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: My Testimony - The End of the Road EssayIn City Road, as in Abnegation Street, the littler entrepreneur reports antagonistic effects, a case of this is Colic Butler (the depicted how he had been influenced, saying that Tests moving in near his store has brought about a decrease in exchange. On the constructive side the opening of notable chains can positively affect changing society, and social requesting, as it can achieve more occupations, and urge individuals to utilize the territory additionally bringing about different places, for example, bistros, eateries being busier. As Georgian Blakely call attention to certain individuals gain from the reshaping and a few people lose (Making Social Lives, 009, Scene 5). Taking everything into account, social request will consistently need to adjust, change and be constantly rebuilt, and fixed to meet societys prerequisites. The impacts of a solitary change can massively affect a road and the individuals that it includes. This can be found in the impact that pediatricians had on Abnegation Streets primary uses, it is additionally obvious to see that the scarcest change can massively affect the social requesting Of the zone. This can be applied to any road on the planet. 814 WORDS Bibliography, * Blakeley, G.. Brimley, S. ,Clarke. Aerogram, P Silva, E. Furthermore, Taylor, S. (2009) Learning Companion 1, Introducing the sociologies, Milton Keynes, The Open University. * The road (2009) Making Social Lives , Milton Keynes, The Open college. What have you appreciated about beginning this module? Have appreciated getting once more into concentrating once more, in the wake of leaving school, Im certainly looking mug to the remainder of this course. What have you discovered troublesome? Time the executives is my primary trouble, shuffling working and composing a task yet Im sure will locate this simpler over the long haul.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Improving A Workplace As A Learning Environment Assignment

Improving A Workplace As A Learning Environment Assignment Improving A Workplace As A Learning Environment â€" Assignment Example > (20, May, 2010)Improving a Workplace as a Learning EnvironmentThe learning environment will be in the Finance department within a publicly owned company. In this company the Finance department employs a total of 70 employees, with the accounting office having fifteen employees among them a Finance Director, Chief Accountant and three senior accountants. The rest of the staff in the accounts office are junior accountants who act as the support staff. The learning need that was identified was a communication breakdown between the customer and the organization, after the contract with the organization had been signed. This study will address the learning strategy that the human resources department used with the aim of improving the communication by setting the strategies of turning the department into a learning environment. The department required training in communications and the training method that was selected was workplace learning. The learning was to start from the finance department but later would be applied to other departments. The overall objective was to develop the whole organization into a learning company, starting with the finance department and on to other departments. The human resources managers suggested that the best workplace strategies that would bring the best results would be, action learning, mentoring and self directed learning. The process would also introduce an orientation program to the employees. This process would be also conducted on every new employee who would join the organization. This study will address each of these methods. These strategies were to be used to achieve the main goals, good communication within departments and to customers, improved participation by all employees in policy making and tapping individual’s talents and promote training in these areas. The organization had targeted to promote and encourage college attendance of ten percent of employees who were to get study time to improve on their grad es. Workplace learning is the process by which a learner, the employee in this workplace joins a workplace as an employee or and from this workplace learns all the necessary skills from the basic skills, to technical skills and practical applications to the management skills that are required in that particular role. The learner develops the skills and becomes a resource for the organization. In this way both the individual and the organization will benefit. The employees become self motivated. There is more training in practical skills. It is a continuous process and leads to a great sense of control, purpose and job satisfaction by the employees which in this case would improve the services to the customer (Public Health Foundation, 2010). The Human Resources development decided to create structures, not only in the sales and accounting departments but also in the whole organizations that would encourage formal and structural training as well as enhance informal training such as creating teams that would help in solving problems. This learning need within the accounting and sales department was seen as a way of identifying training opportunities within the organization. The using of teams in a learning organization has been recognized, as these teams are used as opportunities of learning for the less experienced. The importance of continuous improvement processes in an organization has been recognized and especially when it is focused on customer care services. The human resources managers selected the senior accountants who were to act as trainers to the identified number of employees. The senior accountants had to attend training which was done externally from a management consultant firm.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay on Comparison Between the Great Gatsby and Ebb Sonnets

‘A deeper understanding of aspirations and identity emerges from considering the parallels between the Great Gatsby and Browning’s poetry’. Compare how these texts explore aspirations and identity? Both the texts ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F.Scott Fitzgerald and ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning explore the ideas of aspirations and identity developing a deeper understanding of the texts. Both texts share these ideas through the characters and the values of idealism and hope, and personal voice and identity. Although the two texts are separated in time and context, they both reflect the world of the text and composer. ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’ was written during the 19th Century in the period known as the†¦show more content†¦She continues to list her idealized love in Sonnets 43 and 14, stating that love should be pure as men â€Å"turn from praise†, a love which people endure because it is right and correct. She again through imagery demands the purity of genuine love that can grow through time and endure â€Å"on, through loves eternity†. This clearly explores the idea of aspirations, hope and idealism within the sonnet sequence. The Sonnet sequence also involves the idea of identity with Barrett Browning coming to terms with her emerging sexuality and realisation of love. The sequence was written by Barrett Browning thus providing a personal voice to the sonnets allowing a portrayal of the sequence of events of her personal identity and expression of love. Throughout the sonnet sequence Browning develops a stronger sense and realisation of her love for Robert, hence shaping her identity. By sonnet 43 a series of elements introduced by the simple phrase â€Å"I love thee† where the repetition intensifies the affirmation, she declares that her love is free and pure and possesses passion. Most importantly Browning now holds a sense of identity as she has achieved her idealized type of love. ‘The Great Gatsby’ was written in the early 20th Century during the period known as the ‘Roaring Twenties’ or ‘the Jazz age’. It was a time where money wasShow MoreRelatedComparison of Great Gatsby and Sonnets from the Portuguese Essay1420 Words   |  6 Pagesthe treatment of similar content in The Great Gatsby and the prescribed poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning reflect changing values and perspectives? Throughout different time periods in history, perspectives change. With changing perspectives, artists and authors convey their feelings for particular social issues in varying ways through their texts. As the prescribed text, â€Å"The Great Gatsby† by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the prescribed sonnets from â€Å"Sonnets from the Portuguese† by Elizabeth Barrett

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

100 of the Most Common Kanji Characters

With three different ways of writing, the Japanese language may seem intimidating to new students. Its true that memorizing the most common kanji symbols and other scripts takes time and practice. But once youve mastered them, youll discover a means of written communication unlike anything youll see in the English language. There are three writing systems in Japanese, two phonetic and one symbolic, and all three are used in tandem. Kanji Symbols Kanji is symbolic, or logographic. It is the most common means of written communication in the Japanese language, with more than 50,000 different symbols by some estimates. However, most Japanese can get by with using about 2,000 different kanji in everyday communication. A single kanji character can have multiple meanings, depending on how it is pronounced and the context in which it is used. Hiragana and Katakana Hiragana and katakana  are both phonetic (or syllabic). There are 46 basic characters in each. Hiragana is used primarily to spell words that have  Japanese roots or grammatical elements. Katakana is used to spell foreign and technical words (computer is one example), or used for emphasis. Romanji Western characters and words, sometimes called romanji,  are also common in modern Japanese. Typically, these are reserved for words derived from Western languages, especially English. The word T-shirt in Japanese, for example, consists of a T and several katakana characters. Japanese advertising and media frequently use English words for stylistic emphasis.   For everyday purposes, most writing contains kanji characters because its the most efficient, expressive means of communication. Complete sentences written only in hiragana and katakana would be extremely long and resemble a jumble of letters, not a full thought. But used in conjunction with kanji, the Japanese language becomes full of nuance. Kanji has its historical roots in Chinese writing. The word itself means Chinese (or Han) characters. Early forms were first used in Japan as early as A.D. 800 and evolved slowly into the modern era, along with hiragana and katakana. Following Japans defeat in World War II, the government adopted a series of rules designed to simplify the most common kanji characters to make them easier to learn. Elementary school students have to learn about 1,000 characters. That number doubles by high school. Beginning in the late 1900s, Japanese education officials have added more and more kanji to the curriculum. Because the language has such deep historical roots, literally thousands more kanji have evolved over time and are still in use. Common Kanji Characters Here are 100 of the most frequently used kanji in Japanese newspapers. Newspapers give a great representation of the best and most useful kanji to learn because you are more likely to come across these characters in day-to-day use.   æâ€" ¥ sun ä ¸â‚¬ one Ã¥ ¤ § big Ã¥ ¹ ´ year ä ¸ ­ middle ä ¼Å¡ to meet ä º º human being, people æÅ" ¬ book æÅ"ˆ moon, month é• · long å› ½ country å‡ º to go out ä ¸Å  up, top Ã¥   10 生 life Ã¥ ­  child 分 minute æ  ± east ä ¸â€° three è ¡Å' to go Ã¥ Å' same ä »Å  now é «Ëœ high, expensive 金 money, gold 時 time 手 hand è ¦â€¹ to see, to look Ã¥ ¸â€š city 力 power ç ± ³ rice è‡ ª oneself å‰  before 円 yen (Japanese currency) Ã¥ Ë† to combine ç «â€¹ to stand 内 inside ä ºÅ' two ä ºâ€¹ affair, matter ç ¤ ¾ company, society 者 person Ã¥Å" ° ground, place ä º ¬ capital éâ€"“ interval, between ç” ° rice field ä ½â€œ body Ã¥ ­ ¦ to study ä ¸â€¹ down, under ç› ® eye ä ºâ€ five Ã¥ ¾Å' after æâ€" ° new 明 bright, clear æâ€" ¹ direction éÆ' ¨ section .Ã¥ ¥ ³ woman å… « eight Ã¥ ¿Æ' heart å›› four æ °â€˜ people, nation Ã¥ ¯ ¾ opposite ä ¸ » main, master æ ­ £ right, correct ä » £ to substitute, generation è ¨â‚¬ to say ä ¹  nine Ã¥ °  small æ€  to think ä ¸Æ' seven Ã¥ ± ± mountain Ã¥ ®Å¸ real å… ¥ to enter 回 to turn around, time Ã¥   ´ place 野 field éâ€"‹ to open ä ¸â€¡ 10,000 å… ¨ whole Ã¥ ®Å¡ to fix Ã¥ ® ¶ house Ã¥Å'â€" north å… ­ six å•  question è © ± to speak æâ€"‡ letter, writings å‹• to move Ã¥ º ¦ degree, time çÅ"Å' prefecture æ ° ´ water Ã¥ ®â€° inexpensive, peaceful æ °  courtesy name (Mr., Mrs.) å’Å' harmonious, peace æ” ¿ government, politics ä ¿  to maintain, to keep è ¡ ¨ to express, surface é â€œ way ç› ¸ phase, mutual æ„  mind, meaning ç™ º to start, to emit ä ¸  not, un-, in- å…š political party

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Two Love Stories Free Essays

My audience for this essay is the young students at Enterprise State Community College, who enjoy a good love story about young love. I hope my essay will tell the key points of the similarities and differences of two major love stories that became movies in the end of the twentieth century, and open their eyes to what makes a love story. That is not just the good times, but the hard problems that come with life. We will write a custom essay sample on Two Love Stories or any similar topic only for you Order Now Life is easier having someone to deal with the hard problems beside you.Both these movies tell the difficulties of real love and I hope my essay will attract my audiences hearts. Outline Thesis: The Notebook and A Walk to remember are both amazing love stories written by Nicholas Sparks that hit the big screen in the end of the twentieth century. These movies have a lot of similarities and differences, such as the relationship between the two couples, the time period they take place, and the age group of the couple. I. The first way that the notebook and a walk to remember are similar and different is by the relationship of the two couples. A.In the Notebook The young couple had an up and down rough romance that lasted a lifetime, ending in death in each others arms. B. In A Walk to Remember the young couple had a short relationship that felt like a lifetime but ended early in the death of Jamie. C. The similarities between the two couples in the movies is that both couples are young and in love, dealing with life issues. II. The second way these movies are similar and differ, is by their society standards of their families and their time period. A. Both couples in the movies have to deal with an acceptance in each others families due to social standards.B. The Notebook takes place in the mid sixties during the time of war. C. A walk to Remember takes place at the end of the eighties beginning of the nineties. III. The third way that A Walk to Remember and The Notebook similiars is by the feelings of the love in young couples hearts, but they differ by where the couples stand in life. A. In A Walk to Remember the couple is still in high school facing teenage dilemas and bullies. B In The Notebook the couple is out of high school facing life changing choices. C. In both movies the couples are coming to age and planning what might become of their futures. Two love stories â€Å"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being â€Å"in love† which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident†- St. Augustine.The Note book and A Walk To Remember are both amazing love stories written by Nicholas Sparks, that hit the big screen at the end of the 20th century. These movies have a lot of similarities and differences such as the romance between the two couples, the time periods the love stories take place in, and the age group of the couples. The first way that The Notebook and A Walk To Remember similar and differs is by the relationship between the two couples. In The Notebook Allie and Noel had an up and down rollercoaster of a relationship that ended up lasting a life time, and ending in their death at the same time in each other arms.In A Walk To Remember Jamie and Landon got together, fell in love and then where only together for a short period of time that felt like an eternity to them. Their relationship ended in the death of Jamie when she was only eighteen. The similarities between the two couples is that in both movies the couples are young, in love, and dealing with life challenging issues. Such as Allie developed Alzheimer’s and Noel stayed by her side until their last moment on earth, and Jamie has cancer that ended up killing her. These reasons make the relationships of the two couples intertwine and vary in there own unique way.The second way these movies similar and differ is by their society standers of their families and the genre in which they take place. When I say they are similar I mean by the fact that in both movies the girls come from a more moral family, and the boys come from a more laid back type of living style. In both cases the girls’ parents disapprove of their daughter’s decision of their romances. In The Notebook Allie’s parents are higher class, and believe that Noel is not good enough for their daughter because of his low wage lumber job and his unplanned future .In A Walk To Remember Jamie is a preachers daughter whose father believes she should spend her last moments on earth in god’s name instead of spending her time with Landon who is a slacker and likes to spend his time partying. These movies differ by the genre that they take place during. The Notebook takes place in the 60’s during the time of war. While, A Walk To Remember takes place in the early 90’s at the end of the millennium. These movies both hit the concept of young lovers coping with the decisions of betraying their families and their lovers.The third way that A Walk to Remember and The Notebook similar is by the feelings of true love in the hearts of the young couples, but they differ by where the couples stand in life. In A Walk to Remember the couple is still in high school facing teenage dilemmas and high school bullies, such as Landon’s own friends. In The Notebook the couple is out of high school and trying to figure out what they are going to do to carry out their life together or separate.. For instance Allie is off to a university to receive a degree, while Noel is off to the army to fight for the freedom of America.In both movies the couples are coming to age and dealing with what might come of their futures. In both relationship there are many up and downs that they have to work out to make their relationships work, dealing with heart braking issues that tested their faith in love. In The Notebook they didn’t agree on much in fact, they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time and they challenged each other every day, but in spite of their differences they had one important thing in common, they were crazy about each other.Both of theses movie were about ever lasting love, although they had a lot of differences, such as the distance of the two couples, the time period, and where the couples stood in life, they focused on the same concepts. In both movies the girls had life threatening diseases, different social classes, and both couples were coming of age. Search for love, for it is the most important ingredient of life. Without it, you life will echo emptiness. With it, your life will vibrate with warmth and meaning. Even during any hardship, love will shine through. -Nikita Koloff. No matter the hardship between both couples they both made the love work. How to cite Two Love Stories, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Jujitsu The Gentle Art Essay Example For Students

Jujitsu The Gentle Art Essay To a person not conversant with this art, Jujitsu may be considered as a foul or derogatory term in Japanese. Â  However, Jujitsu us one of the most effective and deadly forms of martial arts taught today. Â  Unique among other forms of combat, Jujitsu holds the position of a parent art, of from which other forms of martial arts such as Aikido, Judo and several Karate styles were extracted. Â  Jujitsu is a combination of all levels of combat. Â  It incorporates chokes, striking, grappling, nerve and pressure point attacks, joint locks, redirection of momentum and throws. The exact origins of Jujitsu are unclear, as most of its history was passed on in the oral tradition. Â  The few early written references show that its origins date back to Japanese mythology, where it is said that the gods, Kajima and Kadori, used Jujitsu to discipline the lawless and wild inhabitants of the Eastern provinces. Â  Therefore, by definition, the art is nearly 2000 years old, however records do exist which show that the art was being practiced as far back as the 8th Century, over twelve hundred years ago. Jujitsu was formalised and most popular during the Edo period of Japan. Â  This was the era of the Samurai. Â  Jujitsu was the Samurais main set of combat techniques, after the sword. Â  Jujitsu was a part of the Samurais fighting skills, something he could use when he was unable to use his favourite weapon. There are many different styles of Jujitsu that exist around the world, and many different ways to actually spell the name. Â  The original spelling derived directly from the Japanese was Jujitsu. Â  As the popularity and practice of this martial art spread across Europe, the spelling and pronunciation was forced to change. Â  This occurred during World War II, when the name Jujitsu had to be changed to Jiu-jitsu (pronounced Jeeu-jitsu). This name-change occurred because the Germans occupying the area at the time claimed that the name resembled the word Jew, which was illegal to be spoken. Â  Therefore the name was slightly altered so that the art could continue to exist and be taught throughout Europe. Despite the difference is spelling, the meaning of the words is basically the same. The literal meaning of the name is the gentle art, however, since there can be many different translations of Japanese words, Ju can also mean soft, yielding, pliant and flexible, which are all important fundamental principles in this dangerous art. Â  Jujitsu operates on the notion that force should never be met with force. Â  Instead, to avoid an incoming attack, Jujitsu teaches to redirect the energy created by the attack into a counter move, rather than working against the attacking force. Jujitsu is sometimes referred to as a complete and more rounded art. Â  This is because it utilises all aspects of different martial arts, combining both standing and ground fighting. Certainly a puncher or kicker is at a disadvantage if they allow themselves to be taken to the ground. Â  The grappler, or ground-fighter, is at a disadvantage to stay outside and try to use strikes with a striker. Â  Therefore, a martial artist with both standing and grappling skills has a better, and some may consider unfair, advantage over his opponent. Another advantage of Jujitsu is the ability to modify techniques to meet the needs of the situation and abilities of the student, as some techniques work better than others based on height, weight and physical capabilities and limitations. Jujitsu In addition, Jujitsu students are taught to do anything in their power to overcome an opponent, a practice that causes a lot of controversy in the martial arts community. It is certainly not uncommon to see a Jujitsu student being taught to gouge the eyeball, break or dislocate a limb, crush the windpipe or even break the neck of an opponent. Â  These techniques are taught to be used only in extreme circumstances, however they illustrate well the lethal nature of the art to defeat an opponent with as little time and energy spent as possible. It is no wonder that Jujitsu is taught to American and Russian Special Forces, as well as armies and police units around the world. .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 , .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .postImageUrl , .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 , .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5:hover , .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5:visited , .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5:active { border:0!important; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5:active , .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5 .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ueaa08ff068124d33d5a13a924a0f0ca5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Band's First Stage Performance EssayFor me, Jujitsu has become a most valued part of my life. Â  It is not only about learning how to overcome an opponent, it is a way of life. It has taught me discipline and self-confidence, while helping me protect myself and avert possible injury in those circumstances where my friends or I have been under threat of, or in the midst of actual attack. Â  Though I have only begun to learn the fundamental aspects of the art, I have already established a confident grasp and deep desire to learn. As we live in a society where threat of attack is an all too common occurrence, I would recommend learning a martial art to anyone, and Jujits u is the most complete and well-rounded combat style to learn.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Environment in South and Southeast Asia Essay Example

Environment in South and Southeast Asia Essay Environment: South and Southeast Asia Hopefully you are studying this lesson before lunch. Imagine a place where the only water there is to drink comes from a nearby river. You become thirsty so you head down there with a pail. When you arrive, there are two things that catch your eye. Upstream, a woman is washing her familys clothes along the same shoreline. She is using a kind of soap made from animal fat. Between the two of you, there are several cows standing around in the water, drinking. They look like theyve been there for a long time. Now, imagine going to the waters edge and seeing all manner of nasty things swimming around in the water. As disgusting as this sounds, the scene described above is repeated thousands of times a day in many areas of the world. Water that you would never dream of drinking in a million years is the only water available to many people. And this is just one of the environmental concerns. In todays lesson, youll learn about environmental issues in South and Southeast Asia and what nations are doing to combat the problems. India India and its capital, New Delhi, is composed of land about one-third the size of the United States. Yet, it has a population that is more than three times larger (more than 1. 1 billion). As a result, the environment faces many critical issues, such as: †¢water shortages; †¢unclean water sources; †¢air pollution; †¢deforestation; †¢natural disasters from earthquakes, floods, and typhoons; †¢soil erosion from unwise agricultural methods. An ever-growing population naturally results in more pollution. We will write a custom essay sample on Environment in South and Southeast Asia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Environment in South and Southeast Asia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Environment in South and Southeast Asia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As the industrial sector grows and more people drive cars, air pollution becomes an increasingly difficult problem to handle. Due partially to its location, the temperature average in India is increasing, which accounts for changes in weather patterns. Consequently, periods of drought are increasing. As water shortages occur due to drought, the quality of the water becomes a major issue. In addition, many of Indias forested regions are being cleared away for farming and building materials. This leads to major soil erosion, as heavy rains are commonplace. Because trees help to retain moisture in the soil, this plays a part in the water shortages that do occur. To combat the problem, India is heavily involved in the construction of dams and canal systems. Although this has helped to alleviate the situation somewhat, it has also brought about an increase in some diseases that form in stagnated water. The countrys leadership is actively seeking ways to protect air, water, and land resources. In addition to air and land pollution, India faces losing many of its plants and animals. Tigers, for example, have been forced from natural habitats, resulting in greater exposure to humans. In an effort to protect these beautiful animals, the Indian government has established a number of natural refuges to keep them from harm. Pakistan The environmental issues facing Pakistan are different in many respects from those of its neighbor to the east. Pakistan has a much drier climate; consequently, it must guard and protect its water supply even more diligently than India. Like other nations in the region, an ever-growing population is taxing the few natural resources that do exist. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Council, located in the nations capital city of Islamabad, is working hard to address the issues facing its citizens. For example, Pakistan lacks many of the agricultural innovations that the United States enjoys. As a result, soil degradation, erosion, and pollution are hampering efforts to feed the people and causing increased desertification of the region. Industrial wastes, pesticides, and raw sewage are polluting water supplies, which severely limits the amount of potable water. In addition, Pakistan faces increasing air pollution from heavy industry and inefficient automobiles. Bangladesh for more information Due to its location and topography, Bangladesh suffers from extreme weather much of the year. The country is nearly flat and barely above sea level, making it prone to flooding. Major cyclones ravage the countryside, killing thousands and leaving hundreds of square miles under water. These storms wreak havoc on an overpopulated nation that has few resources to protect its people. Like India, the nation of Bangladesh is heavily overpopulated for a country its size. Consequently, there are a number of major environmental issues related to overpopulation. For those living in the capital city of Dhaka and other locations, the most acute problem centers around lifegiving water. Much of it is polluted in varying degrees, causing numerous diseases, the most serious of which is cholera. The National Environment Management Plan is one of several programs developed by the government of Bangladesh to combat this issue along with other environmental problems such as deforestation, soil degradation, and destruction of wetlands. Indonesia and Malaysia Due to their proximity to one another, Indonesia and Malaysia share many of the same environmental concerns, and until fairly recently, neither nation did much about them. For example, both countries have large forested areas. For many years, these forests have been used for exporting. In addition, thousands of acres have been cut and burned to make way for more agriculture. The great amount of burning that takes place actually causes a smoky haze that affects not only Indonesia, but many of the neighboring archipelagos. As is the case in other nations, deforestation causes major issues with erosion. As mountains are stripped of their trees, landslides are more frequent. Damage is often widespread, with some loss of life. Deforestation is also responsible for the displacement and disappearance of many indigenous plants and animals. There are thousands of species that face extinction if forests continue to be slashed and burned. The governments of these two nations are well aware of this environmental issue, but there are problems with bringing such practices to an end. For example, Indonesia has a number of laws in effect that are designed to protect the forests. However, there is little cooperation between governmental agencies. This results in a near-total lack of enforcement. Unfortunately, the government rewards officials who contribute to the nations economic growth. For them, it is essential that the timber industry thrive. Therefore, they are less likely to enforce laws that protect the environment. Besides deforestation, the capitals of Indonesia (Jakarta) and Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) must deal with the destruction of coral reefs due to poor fishing practices. These fragile ecosystems are overfished and rarely protected. Unfortunately, fishing is critical to the livelihood of both nations. for more information The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake struck on December 26, 2004, off the west coast of Sumatra. The 9. 1 earthquake sent powerful tsunamis slamming into the coasts of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India in particular, killing more than two hundred thousand people. Unbelievably, the tsunami traveled all the way to South Africa (5,300 miles away) where eight people were killed. Despite the location of the actual earthquake, the western coast of Chile, in South America, experienced a tsunami. Finally, Indonesia and Malaysia both have to deal with environmental issues caused by frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and major storms. The 2004 tsunami wiped out coastal ecosystems throughout the region. Volcanic eruptions displace thousands of people on occasion and wipe out entire forested areas. Numerous typhoons also cause a great deal of devastation along the entire length of the archipelagos. Philippines Similar to other nations in the region, the Philippines suffers from two categories of environmental problems: human-caused and natural disasters. Issues caused by people include: †¢deforestation due to badly needed agricultural land and timber products; †¢soil erosion and degradation; †¢overpopulation, forcing displacement of animal life and destruction of plant life; †¢increased air pollution from industry and automobiles; †¢toxic waste being dumped into rivers, which pollutes not only the rivers, but also the ocean they empty into; †¢waste emptied into the ocean, destroying coral reefs; †¢overfishing, depleting the number of game fish needed to feed humans. The capital city, Manila, also has to deal with a number of natural disasters. Many times, the destruction they cause are compounded by the amount of damage done due to mismanagement of the islands natural resources. Some of the natural disasters that are faced each year are: †¢earthquakes and the subsequent tsunamis that sometimes follow; †¢frequent volcanic eruptions; †¢landslides and flooding, caused by storms but made worse by deforestation; †¢numerous yearly typhoons. Due to rapid population growth, the Filipino government has not been able to find decent solutions to the ever-growing waste, water, and air pollution problems facing it. Consequently, more and more of its citizens are exposed to serious health issues. Other Nations The chart below provides a brief outline of other nations in this part of the world and the environmental issues each faces today. CountryCapitalEnvironmental Issues BhutanThimphusoil erosion caused by deforestation, and little potable water BruneiBandar Seri Begawanmust deal with smoke and haze from numerous fires originating in Indonesia CambodiaPhnom Penhlack of potable water, erosion caused by deforestation, overfishing LaosVietianedeforestation and lack of potable water MaldivesMalelack of fresh water, coral damage MyanmarNaypyidawsoil erosion and landslides caused by deforestation; earthquakes and tropical storms NepalKathmandudeforestation, soil erosion, contaminated water Sri LankaColombosoil erosion caused by deforestation; industrial and toxic waste pollution ThailandBangkokair pollution, soil erosion caused by deforestation, unclean water VietnamHanoiagricultural deforestation, marine pollution, lack of potable water In times past, little was done to alleviate the severe environmental issues facing each of these nations. However, as the problems have become more acute, government leadership has become more active. Unfortunately, many of these countries are poor and do not possess the funds necessary to lessen the issues. In addition, governmental corruption is widespread in many cases and needed money is being diverted to other things.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Edgar Allan Poes Autobiographical Inspiration †Literature Essay

Edgar Allan Poes Autobiographical Inspiration – Literature Essay Free Online Research Papers Edgar Allan Poes Autobiographical Inspiration Literature Essay In several stories and poems that Edgar Allan Poe created, he left various indications that the written word is rarely disconnected from the person writing it. Through the dark, disturbing subject matter in his work, one can begin to understand the complex life and obstacles, both external and internal, that he had to cope with during every day of his life. Though Poe is widely regarded as the master of the American short story and one of the foremost horror writers in the United States’ brief history, it is easy to see the effect of such a difficult childhood in both the tragic course of events that culminated in his premature death and the mesmerizing and groundbreaking writing that he left behind. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston on January 19th, 1809 to David and Elizabeth Poe, two Baltimore-based actors. Acting was looked down upon as a profession in that time, which meant that Poe’s parents were barely able to make a living. It also did not help that the pair could not have been considered gifted by any stretch of the imagination: â€Å"The two were not notably talented; they played minor roles in third-rate theatrical companies† (Buranelli 7). Poe was the second of three children. By the time of the third child’s birth, Poe’s father, who was purported to have abused him, disappeared, abandoning his mother. She took her two youngest children (William Henry, the first, was left to his grandparents in Baltimore around the time of his birth) to Richmond, VA, but soon developed tuberculosis and died, leaving Edgar and his sister, Rosaline orphaned (9). After his mother’s death, Poe was taken into the care of John Allan, a wealthy Richmond merchant and his godfather. His wife Frances had no children of her own and wanted to adopt Poe, but Allan refused, citing that he thought the son of parents whose profession was looked at as immoral would be the wrong choice for an heir and bad for his name and the fortune he was busy amassing. After a move to London and a strict but enjoyable boarding school education, Poe returned with the Allans to the United States. The two did not get along, so Poe was excited to find out that Allan was shipping him off to the University of Virginia. However, Allan did not supply him with nearly enough money to pay his way through school, so Poe took up gambling and by the end of the year, owed over $2,500. After 11 months of college, Allan, refusing to pay the debts, pulled Poe out of school. Terrified and unbalanced, Poe started drinking heavily. Over the next couple of years, Poe was faced with a heap of bad luck. Upon arriving home, he was invited to a party of Sarah Elmira Royster’s, his high-school sweetheart; when he got there, he discovered that it was an engagement party. To make matters worse, Allan forced Poe to join the military. He signed up under the name â€Å"Edgar Allan Perry,† but was honorably discharged in 1829, with the rank of Sergeant Major. A year later, Allan, frustrated with Poe’s situation, signed him up for West Point. In less than a year, Poe was kicked out. A few years later when Frances died, Allan remarried and cut off contact with Poe. However, even without familial support, Poe soon began to write and things began to pick up. Around this time, he married his thirteen-year old first cousin, Virginia Clemm. Though she was simple-minded and kind, she was unable to keep up with his erratic genius and wild behavior. Nevertheless, Poe won a story contest in 1833 for a story called â€Å"MS. Found in a Bottle†; one of the judges, John P. Kennedy expressed an interest in his work and helped him sell a story to the Southern Literary Messenger from Richmond. Soon, Poe got a job on the editorial staff of the magazine and was quickly promoted to editor. With his new position, Poe was seen to be both a keen critic of literature and a gifted writer, and the popularity of his work for the magazine increased the recognition of both his writing and the Messenger. Unfortunately, Poe was an alcoholic and was fired and re-hired by the Messenger several times. He looked for work in several publishing houses, but the financial p anic going on at the time prevented several magazines from being able to thrive, so work was scarce. After a while, Poe was finally was able to publish a long story that recounted a sea voyage, entitled â€Å"The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.† The story was so well-written that most critics actually believed it to be a true account. After two hard years, Poe began to publish again. He got a job working for a magazine called Burton’s Gentlemen’s Magazine; his contract was to write horror stories for the magazine, which in 1840, were compiled into a collection called â€Å"Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque.† After Burton’s was sold and the name was changed to Graham’s Magazine, Poe became the editor of that version too, leading the American magazine to become possibly the most important of its time. A year after his story, â€Å"The Gold Bug,† won a $100 prize from the Philadelphia Dollar Magazine, Poe left Graham’s. Not long after, the New York Evening Mirror published his most famous poem, â€Å"The Raven.† The poem became extraordinarily popular and Poe frequently did readings of it, in eerie rooms with the lamps turned low and his voice sounding somewhat demonic. Though he reached the height of his popularity with â€Å"The Raven,† few writers can make a healthy living on writing alone; most must depend on other positions, such as editorial and publishing jobs. He was able to acquire such employment (he worked for such diverse publications as the Broadway Journal, the Evening Mirror and Grodey’s Lady’s Book) but never held them for long due to his alcoholism. At this time, Virginia also started showing symptoms of tuberculosis. Poe began to get more depressed, started drinking more and sunk into a deep melancholy. Finally, in the win ter of 1846, Virginia died, when the couple had little fuel for the cold or food. Shortly after Virginia’s death, Poe met up with his ex-girlfriend, Sarah Elmira Royster, who was newly single, and the two reconnected. Soon, they were engaged. A few days before their wedding, Poe set off on a trip to New York City from Richmond, but disappeared in Baltimore. Days later, he was found in the street. He was brought to a hospital but died shortly after on October 7th, 1949. Though the cause is still unknown, it is widely believed to have been rabies that killed Poe. A quick glance at any of Poe’s works reveals that he was a writer whose life events clearly had a strong effect on what he wrote. Though there are many aspects that can be compared and contrasted, it is his use of women, alternating as the objects of affection and substitute mother figures, and the uncanny similarities between several of his main characters and himself that are the most interesting. Vincent Buranelli said that â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe is the most complex personality in the entire gallery of American authors. No one else fuses, as he does, such discordant psychological attributes, or offers to the world an appearance so various† (19). While this is true, the â€Å"discordant psychological attributes† that Poe frequently wrote about usually referred to himself. Many of Edgar Allan Poe’s personal problems most likely stemmed from the premature death of David and Elizabeth and the resulting lack of strong parental influence in his early years. It is said by Edward H. Davidson in his Poe: A Critical Study that â€Å"one of the major themes in Poe’s whole corpus of writing is his longing for the mother, for a kind of female night-shape who is never there and who will never come† (47). In fact, several psychoanalysts have used Poe and his fixation with his mother as fertile ground for further investigation. In her analysis of Poe’s short story, â€Å"The Black Cat,† psychologist Marie Bonaparte argues that for Poe (taking the form of the narrator), the story enacts his displacement of his hatred for his mother for abandoning him (164). He obviously has cause to be angry with Pluto, the all-black cat which bites him and he kills, while the next cat enables him momentarily to forget his act of murder. However, he begins to loathe Pluto’s successor for no other reason than its involuntary reminiscence of the first cat. This, Bonaparte says, represents Poe’s innermost feelings being projected in the form of a short story, with the two cats as symbols for his several mother figures (Elizabeth, Frances Allan and Maria Clemm). Both Poe and the narrator’s feelings of detestation come from an action or event that was completely beyond control (Elizabeth’s death and the cat’s biting reflex), but the pair still hold both Poe’s mother and Pluto accountable for them. Because their first choice target for hatred is unavailable, they automatically shift their feelings towards an alternate foil. That the second cat has, according to Poe, a large, although indefinite splotch of white, covering nearly the whole region of the breast (â€Å"The Black Cat,† 212) is probably not a coincidence. This splotch, Bonaparte argues, represents milk both by its color and its position and subsequently reminds the narrator of his felicide. Nonetheless, it is quite clear that, at least â€Å"above the iceberg,† Poe felt a strong affection for his mother. Traditional Freudian theory can also be applied to the storyline and characters in another one of Poe’s short stories, â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher.† Though its implication of incest (most of which is drawn from the rather suspect behavior of Usher following his sister’s death and the quote that the two shared sympathies of a scarcely intelligible nature (â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,† 270)) seems like Poe is pandering to the lowest common denominator of reader, he is actually including a topic that was common ground for writing of that time (Wagenknecht 57). Even so, Poe’s insertion of the theme brings to light interesting parallels with his own story. While it is clear that Poe’s time with his parents was not long by any means, it is understood that due to his father’s frequent inebriation and abu sive behavior, Elizabeth had a much larger effect on the then-toddler Poe. It is then no surprise to see Poe acting out his Freudian Oedipus complex by having Usher (clearly analogous to Poe) romanticize a blood relative in concept (if not physically), even after her death (or at least what Usher perceives to be her death). In addition to being concerned with subtly lusting after his mother, Poe also devoted much of his creativity towards the primary love of his life, Virginia Clemm. Within Poe’s poem â€Å"Annabel Lee,† are several references to Virginia’s youngness and their relationship: I was a child and she was a child, in this kingdom by the sea; but we loved with a love that was more than love- I and my Annabel Lee; with a love that the winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago, in this kingdom by the sea, a wind blew out of a cloud, chilling my beautiful Annabel Lee; so that her highborn kinsman came and bore her away from me, to shut her up in sepulcher in this kingdom by the sea†¦ for the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee; and the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes of my beautiful Annabel Lee; and so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride, in the sepulcher there by the sea, in her tomb by the pounding sea (â€Å"Annabel Lee,† 12-13). The poem gives the impression that Poe and Clemm’s relationship might have been looked down upon by some, yet Poe’s refutation that they had a â€Å"love that was more than love† attempts to dispel that. It is through the poem that Poe, for once, truly lays out all of his feelings about the entire relationship with Virginia. It is also unfortunately a chronicle of his heartbreaking behavior following her death. Though Pruette says that their union was only existent because of Poe’s desire for a mother figure in Maria Clemm (who he became incredibly close with) (67), â€Å"Annabel Lee† also recreates Poe’s frequent night-time visits to Virginia’s graveside, where he would often sleep (â€Å"all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling†). Poe loved Clemm so much that towards the end of her life and following her death, he could not bear the strain of losing someone so close to him, and he began to drink heavily.  "Each time I felt the agonies of her death- and at each accession of the disorder I loved her more dearly and clung to her life with more desperate pertinacity. But I am constitutionally sensitive- nervous in a very unusual degree. During these fits of absolute unconsciously, I drank, God only knows how often or how much† (qtd. in Buranelli 38). Here, Poe makes direct mention of his bout with depression and admits to drinking every time his depressive side reared its ugly head. Though containing remarkable beauty and examples of Poe’s sheer brilliance, â€Å"Annabel Lee† also became a regrettable testament to the disarray that consumed Poe’s life following the death of his wife. Also notable in much of Poe’s writing is his resemblance to several of his main characters. In one particular case, Poe, with his own private musings, refers to a hypothetical man who he clearly is comparing to himself. Through the piece, he is responding to the speculation of his mental state: â€Å"I have sometimes amused myself by endeavoring to fancy what would be the fate of any individual gifted, or rather accursed, with an intellect very far superior to that of his race. Of course, he would be conscious of his superiority; nor could he (if otherwise constituted as man is) help manifesting his consciousness. Thus he would make himself enemies at all points. And since his opinions and speculations would widely differ from those of all mankind- that he would be considered a madman, is evident. How horribly painful such a condition! Hell could invent no greater torture than that of being charged with abnormal weakness on account of being abnormally strong† (â€Å"Ma rginalia,† 227). Poe views his psychological state as a position of power, rather than hindrance. The passage could also be viewed as a response to his critics, who might view his work (which he believes is far superior to everyone else’s) as the writing of a madman instead of focusing on the brilliance that he’s convinced it contains. In addition to Poe’s essays, he also places himself in the guise of several fictional protagonists as well. In fact, several critics agree that Poe only has one endlessly repeated main character- himself. He is pictured as appearing and reappearing as his melancholic, hallucinated, mad and half-mad creations again and again. However, out of his many popular characters, it is the character of Roderick Usher from â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† that Poe seems to represent the most. In the story, Usher is a man who is well aware of his mental instability but, who like Poe, attempts to hold on to his sanity at all costs, regardless. If there was any doubt about the pair’s similarities, Poe goes onto physically describe Usher, and in doing so, depicts himself: â€Å"A cadaverousness of complexion; an eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison; lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but of a surpassingly beautiful curve; a nose of delicate Hebrew model, but with a breath of nostril unusual in similar formations; a finely molded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of a want of moral energy; hair of a more than weblike softness and tenuity- these features, with an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a countenance not easily to be forgotten† (â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,† 198). Even a cursory glance at a picture of Poe will reveal that he not only shares some of these facial features; it is actually a precise depiction of his appearance. Though the resemblance of Poe to several of his characters might be obvious, one can’t help but wonder why he chose to base so many of them on himself. Based on the various vices that many of his characters fall victim to and their resemblance to him in other areas, it is almost as if Poe is vividly describing his character’s flaws as a way of showing his own. Much of the infamous â€Å"evidence† that Poe was a habitual user of opium can be traced back to a few passages from some of his works. Roderick Usher, the character most frequently compared to Poe, is described in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† to be an â€Å"irreclaimable eater of opium† (276). Furthermore, in his short story â€Å"Life in Death,† Poe’s main character goes into an in-depth homily about his drug habit and patterns of use. â€Å"I had never swallowed opium before. Laudanum and morphine I had occasionally used, and about them should have had no reason to hesitate†¦ I would take a very small dose in the first instance. I would repeat it until I should find an abatement of the fever† (â€Å"Life and Death,† 165). His authoritarian tone paints not only the character, but the author as well, as a source of expertise in the field of opium use. If one is to use this logic for proof that Poe was an opium addict or at least had inclinations towards the drug, it can also be asserted that he had a predisposition towards domestic abuse. Because his father was a notorious and abusive drunk, it is very likely that young Edgar viewed battery as a subconsciously acceptable form of resolution. Though he never explicitly confesses to beating Virginia or any women, the closest thing to an admission is his â€Å"The Black Cat† character’s account that â€Å"I married early, and was happy to find in my wife a disposition not uncongenial with my own†¦ I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. At length, I even offered her personal violence† (213). Because the story’s main figure descends slowly into madness, like Poe presumably was himself at that time, it can be assumed that Poe took out his growing confusion and frustration about his mental state on the simple-minded and devoted Virginia Clemm. However, despite that several of his stories and characters either contain themes of insanity or are insane themselves, Poe still attempts to depict some sort of dramatic arc or have his protagonists think about their own actions, sometimes coming to important conclusions. Almost without fail, â€Å"his heroes analyze their obsessions in a sane, perfectly logical way, and he presents the analysis in terms of a highly finished style (Wageknecht 57). Therefore, if one is attempting to compare Poe’s life to his work, it can be maintained that his work is less a reflection of his psychological state and more a reflection of his immersion in his own place and time (Peeples 77). Growing up without his natural parents and without the love and nurturance that most believe is necessary to mature into a well-adjusted, functioning adult, Edgar Allan Poe, most would agree, satisfied a self-fulfilling prophecy of a life of destruction, depression and mental illness. Yet, even though he faced several obstacles on his road to success, he left behind a legacy of pioneering and extraordinary work that most likely would not have been the same, had his tribulations not had a profound effect on the writing’s eventual quality. Peeples, Scott. Edgar Allan Poe Revisited. New York: Twayne, 1998. Quinn, Arthur Hobson. Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography. New York: Coopers Square Publishers, 1969. Wagenknecht, Edward. Edgar Allan Poe: The Man Behind the Legend. New York: Oxford UP, 1963. Buranelli, Vincent. Edgar Allan Poe. G.K. Hall Co., 1977. Bloom, Harold. The Tales of Poe. New York, New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Davidson, Edward H. Poe: A Critical Study. Oxford University Press, 1969. Pruette, Lorrine. â€Å"A Psychoanalytical Study of Edgar Allan Poe.† American Journal of Psychology 31 (1920): 370-402. Bonaparte, Marie. The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe: A Psychanalytic Interpretation. Anglobooks, 1927. Poe, Edgar Allan. â€Å"Annabel Lee.† The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. New York, New York: Walter J. Black, Inc., 1927. 12-13. Poe, Edgar Allan. â€Å"The Black Cat.† The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. New York, New York: Walter J. Black, Inc., 1927. 209-216. Poe, Edgar Allan. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher.† The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. New York, New York: Walter J. Black, Inc., 1927. 273-286. Poe, Edgar Allan. â€Å"Marginalia.† The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. New York, New York: Walter J. Black, Inc., 1927. 217-227. Poe, Edgar Allan. â€Å"Life and Death.† The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. New York, New York: Walter J. Black, Inc., 1927. 159-164. Research Papers on Edgar Allan Poe's Autobiographical Inspiration - Literature EssayThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsMind TravelPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHip-Hop is ArtThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationEffects of Television Violence on Children19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCapital PunishmentHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Marine Finance(Capital Funding Structure) Essay

Marine Finance(Capital Funding Structure) - Essay Example In 1958, Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller, two prominent financial economists, constructed a theory of capital structure (usually referred to as the MM) that is widely considered as the most influential financial theory up to this time. Basically, the MM theory assumes perfect capital market conditions where all relevant information is readily available, where there are no transaction costs, and where borrowing and lending rates are the same for all investors. The theory likewise assumes that there are no income taxes, that operating income is constant over time -- i.e., there is no growth -- and that all earnings are paid out as dividends. In 1963, Modigliani and Miller modified their original work by including corporate taxes. With such taxes, leverage would increase the firms value because interest on debt is a tax-deductible expense and more income accrues to the investors. Consequently, the value of the firm increases. The cost of debt is the after-tax yield (1-tax). This lower cost of debt, combined with the existing cost of equity, will result in a lower weighted average cost of capital the greater the leverage. The benefits of debt financing derive from solely from the tax deductibility of interest payments. This observation would lead one to conclude logically that the company should use more leverage to the extent that all financing will be done through debt. In reality, however, companies do no such thing. While historically the debt/asset ratios have risen overall, companies maintain capital structures that are stable with a some combination of debt and equity at some in-between point. (See Brealey & Myers; Brigham & Gapenski; Keat & ). Much later, Merton Miller extended the theory by including personal taxes. Personal taxes in the modified model would reduce -- but not eliminate -- the benefits of debt financing. Because the introduction of personal taxes lowers the income to investors, they reduce the value

Monday, February 3, 2020

Reasons for wanting to be assistant director trainee. Personal Essay

Reasons for wanting to be assistant director trainee. Personal accomplishment. organizational experience, hobbies and interests, - Essay Example 1-B. Your short and long term goals in the entertainment industry, 5 years, 10 years; Although my final goal is to become a director in the film industry, my short term goals in the industry include, but are not limited to becoming a noted 2nd assistant director in the next 5 years. In about 10 years time I see myself working as the 1st assistant director with notable actors and directors in Hollywood. 1-C. How Have you confronted and overcome adversity (hardship) in your academic and/or work life. I spent a total of six years working for an apparel manufacturing company. While employed with them, I dealt with telephone based customer service and creating the daily and monthly sales reports. Since I was expected to multitask on the job, I was often pressed for time in the completion of each activity. Sometimes a telephone call would come in while I was trying to balance the sheets, or my boss would ask me to do something that would take me away from the phone and books for a period o f time. This often resulted in half finished work on my part. Since I was never a person to work only partly on a task, I learned how to work accurately using only a short period of time in order to allow me precious seconds or minutes that could be devoted to my next activity. However, I decided that if that system were to work, I would need to prioritize the client calls on the phone because those could easily be managed when compared to the records that I had to keep track of within the company. 1-D. Experiences that illustrate that you have the potential to be a successful assistant director. My office experience in the field of apparel manufacturing has more than prepared me for the rigors of the life of an assistant director. I already have preexisting and finely honed managerial, administrative, communication, and facilitation skills that will aid me in performing my tasks as an assistant director. I am no stranger to working under extreme pressure and circumstances either. M y work ethic has always been that all tasks must be accomplished at the soonest possible time in an effort to aid the others whose tasks my actions have a direct effect on. 2. Personal Accomplishment Of all the achievements that I have had in my life, both in the office and my personal life, I would have to say that my sense of personal accomplishment comes from the fact that I am living the life that I know I was meant to lead and that all the actions I have taken are leading me towards the path that I have chosen. Some people would most likely talk about their awards and other accomplishments but I am not that kind of person. I do not get my sense of accomplishment from the approval of others but rather, I take my personal accomplishments from living what I feel to be a just and secure life that has not inflicted harm upon others. 3. Organizational Experience As one of the more senior people at the apparel company that I worked for, I was often tasked with organizing my co-workers for various promotional activities related to the company products. My role in the company was not limited to customer care or administrative work. Instead, I was expected to and accomplished work with various departments at the office because we share all our duties and responsibilities whenever necessary. My role in these promotional instances

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Teaching Reading Skills For Children With Dyslexia

Teaching Reading Skills For Children With Dyslexia INTRODUCATION Reading is a necessary skill for success in all societies, and the ability to read throughout various contexts effectively likely to improve self confidence and social progress as well as ones potential carrier. However, Reading difficulties is the problem that faces many students with dyslexia across different educational system. It seems clear that there are two main methods of conceiving LD in general and the natural reality concept of dyslexia. One main definition relates to psychological/medical model and the other is social model (Kevin, 1999). It is frequently pointed out that reading skill is complicated because it is based on two main processes which are coding, comprehension. They require learning all alphabetical characters and the outcome of knowledge as well as interaction with the readers own experiences and access to results through the text. According to H. Lee Swanson, Karen R. Harris, Steve Graham (2006) reading difficulties is deficit in learning processes which are include visual perception and perceptual Kinetic perceptionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ etc. They established training programs for this processes which are prerequisite for learning to read, such as audio and visual perception. However, this trend has been criticized by researchers; because the theoretical philosophy was relatively weak and it was not grounded on scientific based evidence instead it was meant to see only virtual behavior. On the other hand, in the sixties and seventies of the last century has returned to focus on direct teaching and structured learning, which focus on Code-emphasis and Whole Language (Hoien, 2000). Unfortunately, it is clear that there is no known medical alternative to reduce the severity of cognitive processing delay in pupils with reading difficulties. Therefore, teachers are required to work instructional adjustments as a result, students with reading difficulties are to be successful in an suitable academic environment that help to reduce reading difficulties (such as eliminate any source of disturbance at mainstream classrooms and resource room). One of the most important instructional adjustments is use of basic procedures for appropriate intervention in early stage of educational ladder to avoid reading problems in students through use of various programs of intervention by specialized teachers and clinical psychologist. Another instructional adjustment which is methods of teaching students with dyslexia how do they read? (Kevin,1999). On the other hand, dyslexia friendly schools are an appropriate environment for children. They are to be provided with effective support and awareness of their additional requirements. The aim of this very brief essay is to discuss different definitions of dyslexia. Intervention to reduce reading difficulties in students with dyslexia will be discussed with a focus on stages of intervention in England; issues associated with intervention and also focus on Reading Recovery. Teaching Methods for students with reading difficulties will be examined in terms of Whole Language Instructions and Code- emphasis Instructions. Finally, Facilitating dyslexia friendly schools will be explored in brief. 1. Definition of Dyslexia It seems a controversial issue relatively in the beginning, because dyslexia has defined in many approaches, some of the definitions reflect the theories of causation, while the other definitions in an attempt to describe dyslexia. It seems clear that dyslexia involves more than one condition as it conveys a conceptual difficulty in reading skills for the child as well as a number of other reasons ((Rice, 2004). A hundred years have passed by since the first systematic definition of dyslexia as well as the diagnosis was established( Frith, 1999) and there is still considerable debate among professionals, professionals, psychologists and teachers about the conceptual issues of dyslexia, whoever in fact not far from agreement on their knowledge of concepts, skills development needs and capabilities, as well as diagnosis. Moreover, professionals and associations interested in special education differ in the definition of a large private educational terms, particularly in the case of attention deficit attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder(ADD) and dyslexia. In one community, has experienced difficulty in teaching reading as indicating poor reading skills that must be addressed by large-effective teaching methods. On the other hand, it is observed that another community the same way of reading difficulties in dyslexia, which contains an individual educational plan (IEP) that need to be highly efficient for the education of each individual case. Moreover, there are many of reliable definitions that have been adopted from a wide range of different instruction environments, such as definition of the British Association for Dyslexia (2001), which seems to be a descriptive definition , which indicate that dyslexia can be seen as : A combination of abilities and difficulties which affect the learning process in one or more of reading, spelling, and writing. Accompanying weakness may be identified in areas of speed of processing, short-term memory, sequencing, auditory and / or visual perception, spoken language and motor skills. It is particularly related to mastering and using written language, which may include alphabetic, numeric and musical notation ( Reid, 2002). It is agreed widely that reading skill is key for all people to complete the learning process successfully and appears to be agreement that the learning process needs to be a large number of simple skills, which requires the functions are ordered from different regions of the brain (both left and right from the Brocas area and Hamichaer ), moreover, the sequence of actions that may make it one of the most complex operations. It is clear that all teachers, practitioners and parents should have information about children with dyslexia and the most important problems they face, especially in reading to understand the definition of the educational process (British Dyslexia Association, 2003). On the other, the World Federation of Neurologists (1968) defined it as; Dyslexia is a disorder manifested by difficulty in learning to read despite conventional instruction and socio-cultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities which are frequently of constitutional origin. (Mortimore, 2003, by Reid, 1994, p.2). If we pay enough attention to this definition it is clear that the greatest changes considerate on the late sixties that stress and characterized problems to complete reading process to be successful, and the new millennium, that is a interested far more than three different stages of description, the first, behavioural, which is the most important element for teachers and practitioners to work daily with children with dyslexia, particularly in the school, and second, cognitive which is more relate to teacher learning difficulties who is responsible for assessment of any kind of learning difficulties and then Preparation an individual education plan, third, the level of biological, which refers to dyslexia for kind of nervous-developmental in developmental deficit of biological origin(Frith, 2003). However, if we compare the definition of the British Dyslexia Association in the definition of (2001) of dyslexia with the equivalent, which presented by the World Federation of Neurology (1968), we will note other potential conflicts, according to the conceptual dimension to the definition of dyslexia. On the other hand, it is perfectly balanced in those who wish to present the strengths and weaknesses of children with dyslexia: dyslexia is a combination of difficulties, and capacity that may affect the learning process in one or more of the writing, reading and spelling. It might be possible, identify weaknesses in visual perception, processing speed of the short-term memory, sequencing, as well as audio, spoken language and motor skills. and that are relevant to mastering and using written language, which may contain the alphabet and identify the digital as well as musical. 2. Causes of Dyslexia According to ( Rice, 2004 ) there is still no consensus on the underlying causes of dyslexia. It is frequently point out that not all the difficulty in reading or writing means dyslexia. However, there are many scientists who believe that inheritance and hearing problems at an early age may cause dyslexia. This will be discussed in more details. 2.1 Inheritance May not be possible that dyslexia is not a strong characteristic that will be inherited, even if one or both parents have it. On the other hand, this may be possible. it clear that forty per cent of the people and explained that dyslexia has a history of learning difficulties in their family. According to Brain scanning of children with dyslexia by specialists in the field of medicine that bunches of cells beneath the surface in the front left side of the brain are responsible for reading problems (ibid.). This group of cells moving on the surface of brain cells while growing in the fetus, which does not occur with children with dyslexia. In addition, they have to be smaller mango cellular system, which is liable for recognition, for example, symbols and characters, which leads to difficult to read. They usually tend to use the right part for these skills, which are not designed for this job and that six times slower. It is clear that scientists consider these genetic variations and statistics that the inheritance is one of causes of dyslexia. 2.2 Hearing Problems at an Early Age It is frequently point out that the first five years of a childs life are important for the ability to read and write in accordance with natural languages. In the event that the child is suffering from colds or other continuously during the first years of his life, without medical intervention prior to the visit of the health center, may be exposed to ban prayer from time to time and thus may lead to hearing loss. This means that there is a break in the learning process of the child because of those problems in the hearing. If the child does not have the ability to hear words correctly, and thus lead to delays in the phonemic awareness of the child that leads to learning difficulties, such as dyslexia (Bradford, 2009). 3. Intervention for Dyslexia 3.1 Definition of intervention According to Wall (2003) definition of intervention as An intervention is an interaction between two people to bring about change and, therefore, early years practitioners undertake interventions each time they are working with children. Interventions may be short, medium or long term and will be planned carefully to ensure effectiveness and appropriateness. and He suggested idea which is what and how should practitioners draw up a plan or design different and useful intervention programs for each child as a case individually, by clarifying how it could encourage teachers or staff of these children collaborative work by each category of activity classroom, which can be caused by structured plan which made through specialists. It can be seen that intervention has become a significant key in resolving of psychological educational issues which is more effective to clarify access for these issues or problems and also it is useful in reaching positive results, especially for children with learning difficulties who are at risk for any particular type of learning difficulties. It is important to note that it should be look at if one parent has dyslexia, which is likely to move to one of their children as a result it is important there is focus on the family history, which may to be assisted to alert teachers and parents therefore, it may get appropriate intervention program for these children (Augur,1993 ). If we pay enough attention to Augur indicate that developmental dyslexia is justified for certain reasons, first reason, it may be very difficult to clarify kind of developmental dyslexia that a child is born through t according to the results of brain injury as a result of stroke or an accident, etc. Moreover, the second reason which is that many specialists agree that most of these children, who are smart in most courses with the exception of some basic academic skills that need to develop and therefore it is likely that the teachers are providing success and development of the natural growth of children with dyslexia, if they were with the fact that dyslexia may not be curable but it needs to useful intervention programs. 3.2 Stages of intervention in England According to DfES (2003) that stages of intervention used in schools in Britain, with almost identical stages in America, called (waves). Wave 1, which is refer to initial education for literacy in schools in that there must be effective integration of all children, high quality and a daily reading and writing hour with appropriate differentiation required. Whereas, if the children do not respond correctly to primary classroom of literacy guidance therefore, intervention will be necessary. In addition, Wave 2 shows a set of specific interventions which are additional a specific time, which refer to some children who are in need of support services to accelerate development and they can work at or above age-related t the highest of expectations . Wave 3 which is describes the governance for a small number of children and intervention is necessary to provide specifically for the processor speed of evolution or allow children to achieve their potential. It is Clearly that , this could i nclude the 01:01 or specific interventions, so when it comes to older children, which is usually refer to the approach set out specifically for children that have been identified as requiring special education support by working in the school environment. The best example, as noted by the researcher that Wave 3 intervention which is reading recovery. 3.3 Issues associated with intervention It is frequently point out that there is controversy about how to build effectively intervention programme. Researcher will present the most important factors agreed for potential success in the planning and production of the correct intervention program. First, it taking into accounts the assessment procedures and examination in psychology that can explain exactly what are the skills which need to develop in children. According to Fawcett and Lynch (2000) to examine dyslexia test (designed by Nicolson and Fawcett, 1996) will be the most successful for all the teachers to their schools. In addition, this test has become highly efficient because it is interested in semantic and verbal fluency as well as knowledge of numbers. Another reason which is how quickly the application of this test for example, it is take one minute to the task of writing and one minute in the skill of reading, moreover, spelling and other skills that could take two minutes. According to Pumfrey and Reason (2001) enhance the quantity and quality of cognitive development of children is significant factor to reach the appropriate intervention for them, it is important to take into account to confirmation that intervention at the earliest time that in order to that this procedure may not lead to a delay which is undesirable for children who have reading difficulties. In the same context, we may emphasize that the assessment procedures and examination need to be more focus by that stage, even before the application to avoid any future problems (Talcott,, 1997). However, the researcher as a teacher for special education as well as lecturer at the Department of Special Education recognizes that there are no tests in a uniform and there is a clear lack of evaluation of courses in schools in Saudi Arabia. It is clear that this is an opportunity for the researcher to obtain the correct method of assessing and screening for children who have difficulties reading in schools and the transfer of these measures and the right strategies for the development of the educational process in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Talcott (1997) indicate that there is another factor which is related to people who may play an active role of detection of children who have dyslexia. Therefore, there are some people around the children who have learning difficulties and they who provide full care to alleviate the difficulties that may be in these children as well as they are trying to find the appropriate methods in educational process such as, parents, professionals as well as specialists in health care. 3.4 Type of intervention for reading difficulties 3.4.1 Reading Recovery Reading Recovery has been designed by Marie Clay, who is a researcher in New Zealand (Reading Recovery Council , 2006). Mary did studies which allowed her to develop appropriate methods for the detection and intervention for reading difficulties for children. In addition, this program is studies based intervention that is applied in more than 10000 schools in New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. it was a developed to offer intervention for children who have reading difficulties ( Au, Mason1990). According to Au, Mason (1990) The main of reading recovery is to be able to offer intensive one-on-one support children who have reading difficulties in first grade and thus provide appropriate intervention to help them succeed before they improve their reading difficulties (Savage, John 1994). Moreover, it is aimed at less than twenty percent of school classes in first grade classroom. It is clear that it is not easy to make a decision about who children should be given to this program. children are taking a test and depending on the lowest scores for this test and then to hold this program for children got the lowest scores by trained teachers in the application of this program for children who have difficulties reading to reduce these difficulties and to read well (Kline, Anne 1997). It is frequently point out reading recovery is developed to be compatible with the regular school system. Each school needs to confirm that teachers should have the ability to download the program continuously during the year. It is clear that it has the ability to work in a variety of levels for instance it works with teachers, in school, children, and in the education system to provide assistance in reducing reading difficulties in children (Reading Recovery National Network,2006 ). Savage, John (1994) pointed out that Reading Recovery which is a program works differently for each child who is in need of this program. Selection of children for this program based on the report which is submitted by the teacher, and a survey about what child has knowledge of letters and concepts about print process, text reading . In addition, the program begins with what the child is to have the ability to do, then it builds on what they are trying to do and work what child need to learn about reading (Reading Recovery National Network,2006 ).According to Chapman, Turner ( 2003) the program is designed to work one-on-one instruction for thirty minutes a day for a period of twelve to twenty weeks through trained teachers. Moreover, it is designed to regular classroom reading guide. In addition, It is set out to assist based on childs strengths. The main concentration on one-on-one lessons is concentrate on comprehending the various messages in reading and students have the ability to build messages in writing skill (Reading Recovery National Network). According to Savage, John (1994) reading recovery includes that: -Reading Familiar Books: students tend to read books that they enjoy. Teachers, however, will observe how child read these books then they will assist the child while children are reading this book. -Assessment of reading strategies: the students will have a book that have never read it, in the previous lesson, the child will read that book for the teacher, then the teacher will use recorder while the child is read. Working on Letter recognition: student will be trained to look at the different letters, and begins to be familiar with them. -Introducing new books: teacher will choose a number of different books that are suitable for students reading level. Reading new books: The teacher will show a new book for the student, and then the student will be supposed to read it in the next lesson. In addition, the teacher and student will discuss the book and provide assistance to prepare for the understanding of the story in that book before read it. It is clear that Reading program was designed to meet the special the individual needs of reader who has difficulties in reading, which seems different from child to child. Working Individually with students, preparing lessons to respond to the individual needs of the child, will help to develop childrens reading (hapman, Iversen, Tunmer 2005). It is clear that the reading recovery has extensive one-on-one instruction. Not surprising to anyone that the intensity of the program and work individually with students which is influential to stage of intervention for those students who have reading difficulties. Recent research indicates that the method of one-on-one is more effective in teaching in regular classes that lead to achieving the individual needs for each student (Chapman, Tunmer 2003). Reading Recovery Council (2006) pointed out that many of the children are in different levels reading skill, establishment of lesson for all student is not always effective to that a student who does not understand what may be understood by other child and therefore teachers can create a lesson that will contain five elements: working with letters, reading books which are familiar to student, observe and record what is read by the student and reading new curriculum (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). it is possible to assist students achieve effective reading performance by the individual needs of them early. In addition, working individually with students to guide them educating reading strategies as well as to provide some time for the application so that they will be capable to achieve in grade level (Educational Commissions System of the States 2000). It seems clear that the strategy of one-on-one which allows teachers to provide students all comments, compliments and questions that the teacher knows a student who has the ability to answer those questions. In addition to, the reading recovery teachers have the ability to help the student and give feedback for the work he is doing (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). On the other hand, reading recovery will take 30 minutes for each student .It must take into account that there are some things that may be affect the students when they are in the classroom, for example: days of illness, field trips and workshops (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). Barnes, Bonnie (1996) indicate that time consuming is one of the problems related to educating Reading Recovery through the amount of paperwork which are side by side with the teaching of reading recovery to individual students. For example, a written analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the child, the report of the expectations of progress through the identification of long-term and short-term goals to child daily lesson programme. Another drawback of reading recovery is teachers. Many teachers do not usually have support from their colleagues in the school as well as they have difficulty in access to feedback on their lessons. Moreover, there are many teachers in the classroom do not have a sense of the impact of reading recovery program on the children because it is presented only one or two students in their classrooms (Noble, Jo Anne 1995). In addition, There are many teachers who are working only has the half-time reading recovery teacher. Therefore, they have the abilit y to service only about eight children each academic year. In addition, many schools have approximately a hundred and fifty first grade students, this is evidence that only about five or six percent of children have the ability to receive reading recovery programme (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). As has been mentioned before the goal of reading recovery is to guide children in learning techniques and assist to practice time , children have the ability to deliver on grade level (Frankas, George 2000).However, reading recovery is working , regardless of economic status, gender and social status of the group of children that led to the acceleration of the effective progress this programme (Educational Leadership 1990). Centre, Wheldall (1992) pointed out that to make reading recovery programme more effective must change three elements: Behavioural change in teachers. The child behaviour change acquired through teachers. There is a need for the school to change the regulatory requirements for administrators and teachers. It is clear that the results of reading recovery program is that it offers effective intervention for students in grade school and then treatment, instead of falling into the failure in reading difficulties for these children. In addition, it is providing strong support for teachers and enables them to become more effective in reading recovery programme. Moreover, the most important outcome of the program is to be has number of children in grades 2-6 to have a few problems in reading difficulties once and then the program is implemented effectively and correctly (Noble, Jo Anne 1995). 4. Method of teaching reading skills for children with dyslexia As has been mentioned before is that in fact the intervention to address reading difficulties in children with dyslexia is a successful strategy to provide support appropriate for them. But it is frequently point out that , it is to look for on the strengths and weaknesses of the learner and learning styles appropriate through the school by the teacher, which is suited to the needs of each individual. Because it is known to us that each and every child with dyslexia is different according to the file and function of cognitive and learning styles appropriate to him (Reid ,1997). 4.1 Whole Language Instruction According to the study carried out by Frank, 1978, it was having an impact in supporting the Whole Language Instruction, teaching reading is a natural counterpart to learn to speak the sense of learning to read instinctive. In addition, Whole Language Instruction may focuses on education to be of total to the part and not vice versa (e.g. learning the skills not included in the Whole language instruction), and learning to write must occur through fun activities functional meaning, and the focus on education priority, instead of keeping the roots. Moreover, it consenter on the learner who is the center of education rather than the curriculum and education should be based on individual interaction. It is clear that it may supports education in a social environment. Moreover, the teacher is the one who set the curriculum to be concepts are interrelated rather than dividing them up into multiple skills or subsets of content and evaluation focuses on the strengths of the learner. It seems that Whole Language Instruction is a tool to deal with the class and adjust and it may provides disadvantaged students to be able to overcome reading problems ( Pressely, 1994). However, according to Mather (1992 ) Whole Language Instruction team believe that retail could disrupt learning process, so they are opposed to direct teaching of encoding, because it split the language into separate clips and skills, which may lead to the language is not used, as well as a waste of time. The Whole Language Instruction may provide meaning to the texts and it is focusing on both reading and writing, as learn the rules of language may be done without the need to teach voice. It is clear that Educators and researchers stress fact that learning may be the best when there is enjoyable environment for learning and learner will be active participant in learning process as well as the teacher must take into account individual differences between children. These principles focus upon the way of Whole Language Instruction in learning to read, the child will read full text and then he begins to recognize words and letters with helping by teacher and the child will feel motivation when he is reading and that is the most important needs, which increases the capacity of the child with dyslexia to learn to read correctly (Fuhler,1993 ) Learner (2000) pointed out that there are basics of teaching reading difficulties by using method of Whole Language Instruction as following: Firstly : Reading is one of the elements of internal language which is very close to oral language and written language, so teachers who use this method confirm the language written and oral reading lead to the child will be improved, when he learn to read and there is a relationship between linguistic vulnerability in children and reading difficulties, children who have language problems or mobility are likely to develop problems in writing in the early stages. Secondly: The method of verbal language may be acquired by the natural use, according to the teachers who use Whole Language Instruction that children may learn to speak without the need for special training and this means that children will learn to read naturally through exposure to learn to read by focusing on language and books which related to fluency of language. Thirdly : Teachers who use the method of Whole Language Instruction avoid use of separate teaching which does not focus on the link between parts of the meaning of language, as well as the way of teaching that focuses on use of separate exercises, and they believe that books that divide natural language into small pieces and mysterious that could make teaching is difficult. In addition, Whole Language Instruction users think that learning of characters is normally by way of education , it is clear that learning of letters should not be separate, but it is normally acquired through reading. 4.2 Code- emphasis Instruction It is clear that we should understand the strategies of coding in Whole Language Instruction or comic reading (Orthographic) , which are one of the strategies that provide the opportunity to children to read the words by this method because they saw these words for many times . Therefore, they have image of the words in the long-term memory, the image of words are not required to be stored in the same format and font but it will be merely images. To use this strategy, the reader should has knowledge of the alphabet and how to process link this letters together. Moreover, there are many of readers who tend to use this strategy because they have the satisfaction for the words through use of a number of consecutive times as a result, they are willing to remember these words at any time. However , when they are exposed to new words so they tend to use method of Code- emphasis Instruction so they used the analysis of these words and read them (Hoien,2000). According to Learner ( 2000 ) children with dyslexia often need to direct learning and systematic training on reading because the direct training on the skills of voice reading is significant due to the primary task which is a specific part which is used later for reading comprehension. However, children who start to learn to read slowly, they will become readers are strong later. It is clear that Code- emphasis Instruction is effective in that the reader have a broad reading skills in school and In the external environment, he will be able to read any textbooks or other books. In addition , Intensive reading may provide the opportunity for the growth of concepts and verbal knowledge for how to write and read the text. Therefore, children who do not learn by this method they wi